Wealthy, powerful strangers enjoy excessive influence in our private lives.
They meddle in finance, healthcare, food, trade, privacy, the physical & mental development of our children—even our own opinions can be engineered.
Our problem is agreeing upon who the idiots are, what they are up to and what we are going to do about them.
The more we quibble, the more power we surrender.
Let me remind you that nobody—however powerful—has the right to prevent you living how you choose.
Decline false authority
Learn how to assert your
own authority
Secure private property
Create the power to defend what is rightfully yours
Enjoy life again
Shift your attention to the things you prioritise
Your book is brilliant. Really, really good. All of the philosophies and mind armour anyone needs, distilled into tiny, bite size explosive chunks that cuts every extra bit of gristle off.
Our Sun Tzu, perhaps.
Darren Nesbit
The Light
Automatic Peace proposes solutions to all the world's ills that are so simple you wonder what you've missed, as nothing can be that easy...
or is that the whole point?
Mark Devlin
Speaker, DJ, Author
Read all my 5 STAR reviews at the bottom of the page...
AUTOMATIC PEACE is not for the immoral, the hypocrite or the coward.
AUTOMATIC PEACE is for reasonable people who are exasperated with failing politics, corrupt economics and worthless media.
For those who are bored of the antagonism, mockery and alienation for exercising free choice:
Sick of being threatened by moral imbeciles.
AUTOMATIC PEACE is not available to read online. You can only buy it direct from me. I encourage you to own physical property, to hold in your hands something of tangible worth that will never be edited, erased, censored or shadow banned.
Each book comes with over 2 months of FREE SUPPORT to help you understand your own authority, encourage you to use it and remind you we are not alone.
You have nothing to fear:
NINE fundamental truths
The essential criteria you need to understand
THREE easy principles
Standards we all recognise which make it possible
ONE acceptable outcome
The life that you wish to live; free from interference
If this is so simple, why has nobody done it yet?Most of us are distracted by the trials of daily life; work, family, leisure. Add to this the swirling mass of stimulation we receive from the media about everything and nothing: from nonsense distraction to terrifying threats to our safety. It is hardly surprising we do not find the time or adequate silence to consider the fundamental aspects of freedom. Neither do we have a tangible, visible focal point we can point to if we wish to tell others how we feel. This is my humble attempt to bridge those shortcomings. Give it a chance.
How can this work when we have no money or power?The point of this project is to be as accessible as possible to as many of us who recognise the need for it. Therefore, it is designed to work regardless of your intellect, wealth, strength or arsenal. These principles are fundamental ideas which can spread without effort, eventually undermining the institutions which hold up tyranny. Get started today with nothing and you will overcome!
Is this just about inner peace and accepting our fate?NO! Inner peace and unconditional acceptance are essential to the endurance of all human experience. But the ideas presented here are for practical application in the real world. I do not want to settle for inner bliss while dangerous idiots exploit my mind, body and labour. Would you? Read this short book and find out how to fight for your self respect with the minimum effort.
Where do you ship to?World wide.
Can I return it if I do not like it?Just send it back to me for a full refund, minus payment processing fees.