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I use the term 'government' as a collective noun for a gang of politicians. A politician is just a stranger who made a career choice. I have no reason to believe a politician can serve our interests above their own. I have not voted for 20 years because I cannot—in good conscience—put my name to the actions of the state.

I am not a doctor, professor or philosopher. I am no academic, politician nor economist. I have never had a spiritual revelation which was not tied to narcotic provocation. I cannot say if the devil is real or not.

I have learned to invest my energy in things which remain unaffected by the tumultuous business of global politics, hollow culture or corporate media. I seek counsel from things I can depend upon: Answers that were true a thousand years ago, and will remain true forever.

I prioritise hard work at a steady pace; careful and with deep consideration. When I am satisfied, I share my results.

I enjoy good reputation without payed advertising. I never accept donations or sponsorship. I am not affiliated with any political party or ideology. I have no ties to any corporate interests.

I am, and will always be, 100% independent.

My name is Stuart Farr, but my cat says Meow when she wants me. You could make whatever sound you like if you speak of me—it is non of my business.


I publish irregular updates via email only.

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